
Neir otomata
Neir otomata

neir otomata

So what kind of compromises are we seeing here?

neir otomata

It's important to keep this relatively poor showing in mind, because the Nintendo Switch falls far short of those machines in raw number-crunching performance. The typical run of play was 40-60fps, with combat and open-world traversal causing issues. Despite relatively pedestrian visuals, the title targeted 900p without any anti-aliasing, with somewhat messy performance on both machines.

Neir otomata Ps4#

The challenge is clear - and it's all down to just how difficult this game was to run on PS4 and Xbox One. This seems like one of the so-called "impossible ports" - a technically demanding title downscaled for Nintendo's hybrid console, often with somewhat mixed results.

neir otomata

This is why the Switch port came as a bit of a surprise when it was announced a few months ago: there's a huge performance gap between the Switch and even the base last gen consoles with precious little room to cut resolution before image quality becomes unacceptably poor. From a technical perspective though, the situation was far from ideal: the game was beset by frame-rate and image quality issues on last-gen machines, with wobbly performance coupled with plenty of aliasing. Nier Automata is one of the most celebrated last-generation action titles, marrying Platinum Games' signature stylings with inventive, varied gameplay and a mind-bending narrative.

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